How to Train With a Loaded Pack | Bartram Trail, GA

Monday, 25 March


Embarking on an Appalachian Trail journey demands more than just a spirit of adventure; it requires rigorous physical preparation and mental fortitude. Today’s training session was a testament to that, as he tackled a 10-mile hike through Georgia’s dense woods, despite less-than-ideal weather conditions and the daunting task of acclimatizing to a weighted pack. This entry delves into the day’s experiences, highlighting the challenges and milestones.

Training Under Overcast Skies

  • Weather Conditions: The day presented him with cooler, overcast skies, a stark contrast to the ideal hiking weather we long for. Steve, humorously referring to himself as “solar-powered and heat-activated,” faced the day’s challenge with a hint of reluctance.
  • Objective: The primary goal was to test endurance with a weighted pack, simulating the conditions of the long haul to Katahdin. The 35lbs pack, a mirror of the intended load for the actual trail, added a tangible layer of difficulty to the hike.

The Route and Its Rigors

  • Choosing the Path: Opting for the west route from the Petersburg trailhead, we ventured into a segment of the trail known for its technical challenges, a departure from the more familiar east route of Bartram Trail.
  • Technical Challenges: The west route presented him with a series of obstacles that tested his agility and adaptability. The terrain, marked by a significant elevation gain of 487 feet, pushed his limits and offered a glimpse into the demanding nature of the Appalachian Trail.

Endurance and Pace

  • Timeframe: Completing the 10-mile stretch in 2 hours and 55 minutes was an achievement in itself, offering a baseline for Steve’s endurance under the added strain of the weighted pack.
  • Weather’s Toll: The cold, compounded by an unwelcoming wind, was a constant companion throughout the hike. Despite these conditions, the pace remained brisk, a testament to the determination to prepare adequately for the Appalachian endeavor.

Reflecting on the Journey

  • Personal Insights: Today’s hike was more than just a physical trial; it was a mental battle against the elements and the self-imposed challenge of the weighted pack. The journey through the west route, with its technical demands, served as a crucial learning experience, offering insights into the preparation needed for the actual trail.
  • Looking Ahead: Each step taken on these training hikes is a step closer to the ultimate goal of conquering the Appalachian Trail. The challenges faced and overcome serve as building blocks, fortifying both body and spirit for the journey ahead to Katahdin.


Training for the Appalachian Trail is a journey marked by incremental challenges and triumphs. Today’s hike, with its unique set of conditions and challenges, was a pivotal step in the preparation process. As we look forward to more training sessions, the experiences gained today will undoubtedly serve as a valuable foundation for the arduous but rewarding journey that lies ahead on the Appalachian Trail.

This entry encapsulates the essence of today’s training hike, blending the physical rigors with the mental perseverance required for such an endeavor. If you’re preparing for a similar journey or find solace in the great outdoors, may this account serve as both inspiration and a practical guide to embracing the challenges that lie in wait.